Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Book of Revelation: Lesson Six

Presented by: Rev. Eric Amundson


I. Book Structure

Chapters 1-3 -7 Churches / Original Audience

Chapters 4-16 -3 Visions of 7 – progressive judgment on the earth

Chapters 17-22 -Comparison between Kingdom of this World –represented by it’s “capital” Babylon

& the Kingdom of our God –represented by it’s “capital” –New Jerusalem

*While book is always dealing with all three levels of audience (original, all time & end time) it is weighted more toward original audience in the early chapters, more for “all times” in the middle chapters and more toward the End time in the later chapters….yet all three levels are always operating…

II. Big Idea

Revelation 11:15 -the Kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ

Matthew 6:10 –“thy Kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven…”

III. The Final –Final Judgment (at least 2/3rds of it)

*this is happening….begin realized as the purging of the earth is nearing its completion….the earth has been purged (3 visions of 7), the representative city (systems of gain) have been judged and now purged (Babylon) and finally… now its three leaders….the Beast, the False Prophet and Satan himself have to come under the final judgment (chapters 19-20)

Chapter 19 – The Wedding of the Lamb

I. Worship – The Wedding Supper of the Lamb

a. The Congregation -

Halllelujah – “praise to you YHWH”

“roar of a great multitude” (cf. 5:9; 7:9; 14:6 -ie. From every tribe, nation and people etc…

= presence of God

God is the focus….His acts of justice and judgment are exalted

b. The Congregational Refrain

The eternal (“smoke goes up for ever and ever) judgment of the Kingdom of the World (personified in the great prostitute ie. Babylon) judgment is singled out as worthy of a second “hallelujah” refrain

c. The Worship Leaders

A brief “response” by those who until this time have led the worship in heaven…now the congregation of the saints appears to be leading the worship…. A response of “agreement” …another “Hallelujah”

Revelation 19 / Pg. 2

d. The Word from the Throne

Ø The voice from the throne is also in “agreement” (side note: worship brings us into alignment with God’s will and purposes, conforming us to His image….as God Himself is the center

Ø The reminder here is so that everyone is assured of their place in the worship and praise of God (both small and great)….

e. The Congregational Response

Ø This is the Crescendo of the Worship…..praise of God as He reigns…..this is the center of the “Wedding of the Lamb” worship…..the culmination of the long desired and sought after “Messianic Banquet” anticipated in the Passover….demonstrated in the Lord’s Supper…now finally realized in completion in this moment!

Ø “The Bride has made herself ready…” -emphasis on our responsibility…..

f. John’s Response

Ø -John is tempted to worship the angel…easily confused with the radiance of what he sees….

Ø -Application: it is easy for us to worship the messenger…pastor….etc….that which we can see with our eyes…and unintentionally loose our focus….

Ø -“Worship God”

Ø -Prophecy has not ceased (as some of John’s Jewish/Christian contemporaries espoused….

Ø How easy it is worship what we should not…..! (contrast with 1:17)

II. Judgment –The Rider on the White Horse (vss 11-21)

a. The Identity of the Rider

Ø Faithful and True

Ø With justice he judges and makes war

Ø His name is the Word of God

Ø Rules them with an “Iron Scepter” (cf. 12:5)

Ø King of Kings and Lord of Lords

= JESUS himself ?…the messiah now comes to Judge….

b. The Symbolism of the Event

Ø White Horse = victory and judgment

Ø Eyes like Blazing Fire (cf. 1:14) = Judgment

Ø Armies of Heaven (angels) also on White Horses…white linen

Revelation 19 / Pg. 3

c. The “Great Supper of God…” (vs 17)

-The Great Supper….which is the long awaited Messianic Banquet for the believer (vs 9) is ironically unto judgment for those who belong to the Beast…”eating the flesh…”

-Great final battle…the King of the Kingdom of our God and all His armies….against the Beast and the kings of the earth (representing the kingdom of this world)….

d. The Final Judgment on the Beast and the False Prophet

-of the three great evil “leaders” to be judged….2 of the 3 are eternally judged here…the Beast and the False Prophet….satan himself is yet to be finally and eternally judged

-lake of burning sulfer (vs 20 –here and 20:10 for satan)

-the followers were “killed” by “the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse” (ie. The word of God unto judgment…the fatality of the “two edged sword –cf. 1:16)

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