Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Book of Revelation: Lesson Four

Presented by: Rev. Eric Amundson

I. The Conflict Between Satan and God’s People -Below the Tapestry -Chapters 12 & 13

a. The Woman and the Dragon –(12:1-13:1)

i. Woman = Israel

ii. Woman = Mary

iii. Woman = The Church

iv. This is the cosmic conflict between the “seed of the woman” and the “seed of the serpent” – one of the great scarlet threads of redemptive history that weaves through God’s word from Eden to New Jerusalem

1. Items of Note:

a. 10 horns = very, very powerful (do not push symbolism here…ie. Not as powerful as God…power is only given by God) ie. 7 =perfect = God

b. 7 Heads (possibly the 7 Caesars?) or at least 7 great rulers of evil –again do not push symbolism to be literal and try to figure who they are and have been in world history

c. Vs 4 – 1/3 of the stars….possibly fallen angels now demons

d. “Where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days”

i. = 3 ½ years –possibly how long Mary and Joseph were in Eqypt (ie. “the desert”) with Jesus

ii. Jesus = Child

b. The Beast out of the Sea –(13:1-10)

i. This beast looks a lot like the Dragon

1. Compare 12:3 to 13:1

ii. The Beast is possibly the “anti-christ” as it derives its power from the Dragon (satan)

iii. The Beast is likely a “world ruler”….likey Emperor Domitian for the original audience

iv. Application is found in verse 10 at the end “this calls for patient endurance…”

c. The Beast out of the Earth –(13:11-18)

i. Pretty much a repeat of above

ii. Rule and Reign of the “prince of this world” is now complete…ie. Water and Land

iii. Vs 18 reminds us of vs 10…. “This calls for….”

1. 666 = total/complete imperfection (7 = perfection -777 would = total perfection)

II. The Lamb and the 144,000Above the Tapestry -Chapter 14

a. The Scene from Mount Zion –(14:1-5)

i. “Then I looked…” -classic apocalyptic oracle statement (associated with visions)

ii. 144,000 = All of God’s chosen, covenant people

iii. Sounds = God presence and power

iv. Blameless = sanctified (not because they themselves were without fault, but because the Lamb had made them pure)…”redeemed from the earth”

b. The Three Angels –(14:6-13)

i. “The Eternal Gospel” –vs 6

1. “every tribe, language….”

a. Cf. 5:9 & 7:9 and Genesis 12

b. “People Groups” GR. “ta ethnas” of Matthew 24:14*

ii. Three Angels –Complete Covenant Proclamation

1. Eternal Gospel –Good news

2. Fallen is Babylon (kingdom of this world….refer back to 11:15)

3. Warning to those remaining not to worship the beast (emperor or false Christ)

a. Application is found in verse 12 (repeat of 13:10)

*Covenant Blessings: vs.13…..beautiful rest/ heavenly rest

c. The Harvest of the Earth –(14:14-20)

i. Refers to the THE Harvest

1. Side note: again warn the class not to read apocalyptic literature always in a linear fashion….this is likely a flash forward to the final harvest, not some preliminary harvest….ie. all these visions are different views of the same end time event….

ii. Fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer in Matthew 9:38

iii. Symbolism

1. Winepress = place of wrath

2. Wine = blood (think communion here)

3. Ie. There is a play on irony here…..time is “ripe”….harvest….yet judgment/wrath

a. The harvest is a time of reaping fruit (righteous) and judgment (unrighteous) as in the winepress….

b. The blood of Jesus is unto Blessing (salvation) and Cursing (judgment)

i. Nature of the covenant’s sacrifice

4. Verse20 – “1,600 Stadia” = approximate length of Holy Land from north to south or about 180 miles

I. The Seven Angels -Above the Tapestry Chapter 15

a. The “Marvelous” Vision

i. Marvelous because it was complete in scope and it was the final judgment

ii. This concludes the 3 Visions of 7 Judgments

iii. Sea of Glass = calm, tranquil…storm is over (sea often described as a place of evil for Hebrews)

iv. Strong Deliverance theme here…which is why they sing the song of Moses….deliverance

b. The Song of Moses (vss3-4)

i. Song of Servant Moses (first great deliverer) and the Lamb (ultimate and final deliverer)

1. Fulfillment of type-antitype (Moses was a type anticipating Jesus)

ii. Attributes of God

1. Just, True, Holy, glory, righteous

iii. The Nations theme (Genesis 12 etc)

c. “After this I looked…”

i. Temple and Tabernacle as “types” have found their fulfillment

ii. Introduction of the final judgment….7 plagues

iii. Filled with smoke (reference Exodus 40:34 –Glory that fills the temple) –ie. God’s presence

iv. The bowls are filled with the “Wrath of God”….it is God’s judgment and righteous wrath

II. The Seven Bowls of Wrath (Plagues) –Below the Tapestry –Chapter 16

a. First Bowl

i. Ugly and painful sores upon those who worship satan and his anti-christ(s)….judgment

ii. Seen in context of Roman Emperor Worship/ suffering and persecution

iii. Seen in context of end times

b. Second Bowl

i. Blood in sea (reminds us of plague in Eqypt) –kills 100% of everything in the sea

ii. All living things in sea now dead & symbolic of the defeat of evil (through blood)*

Chapter 16 Continued

c. Third Bowl

i. Similar judgment to the second bowl but now extends to water on the earth which has implications for the water supply…and all earth dwelling life…

ii. Justice rendered

iii. Ironic Justice (false worshippers are judged in blood because they took the blood of the prophets and martyrs)

v The Response from the Altar of God -True and Just are God’s judgments

d. Fourth Bowl

i. Purging the earth with fire –judgment of people who followed the beast

ii. People still refused to repent…rather continued to curse Him

e. Fifth Bowl

i. Judgment now on the beast himself and his throne

ii. The “prince of this world” dethroned

iii. “Fulfillment of 11:15”

iv. Still refuse to repent

f. Sixth Bowl

i. This is a reflection back on both the invasion of the Persians on the Babylonians (dried up river Euphrates) as well as the plagues in Egypt (frogs)….both judgments on great nations that came from God….this could be applied by the original audience to Rome….as well as to final times

ii. Come like a Thief - I Thess 5:2 & Matthew 24:42-44

iii. The stage is now set….for THE FINAL cosmic battle…..Armageddon…

1. Hebrew = “Har Megeddon” or the mountain of Megiddo (cf. Judges 5:19)

g. Seventh Bowl

i. “It is Done!” -cf Jesus on the cross (John 19:30…note this is not found in other 3 gospels)

1. Completed….”telios” the fulfillment….final triumph of God over evil….

2. The cosmic and epic battle begun in the garden…has reached its conclusion

ii. The totality of the Judgment

1. Power and presence of God (vs 18)

2. The Fall of the “Kingdom of this world”

iii. Judgment for what purpose and to what effect (with the end in view)

1. Judgment towards restoration

a. From Eden…fallen into sin….Redeemed…now Restored

b. The Great “Thread & Theme” of Biblical History

i. Creation….Fall….Redemption….Restoration !!!

2. With the earth now (almost) purged of sin and evil….the earth, which God loves and longs for to be redeemed (cf. Romans 8:18-26) & (John 3:16…ie. Greek “cosmos”) is now purified (sanctified) and ready to receive her King and his Kingdom (New Jerusalem come down from heaven in Revelation 21)

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